The design process is a sequence of organized steps that help to keep the project in alignment with the aesthetic and function goals, timeline, and budgetary requirements.
- INITIAL CONTACT: During the initial conversation or email communication with the client, Sara will collect some details about the project: location, timeline, client needs, budget requirements, etc. If possible, a quick site visit might be scheduled to evaluate the project in person.
- CONTRACT: Once the client and the designer have come to a verbal agreement to engage in the project together, a contract will be drawn up and sent to the client for review, approval, and submittal of a design retainer to begin design work.
- PROGRAMMING: After the contract has been signed, the design process begins with the programming phase, which includes gathering more extensive information about the client and the project. It is critical to determine the scope of work, as well as the actual project timeline. The client’s preferences on aesthetics, furniture style, finishes, as well as their functional needs are taken into great consideration. At this time, the designer may request inspiration photos from the client, to help gain insight about their likes and dislikes.
- CONCEPT & DEVELOPMENT: Conceptual space planning, imagery, and even material and color palette ideas are presented to the client for review. Upon approval, these ideas are further developed to ensure that both the design and function needs are working together.
- RESOLVING & REVISING: The designer works closely with the client to make any necessary adjustments to the design.
- DOCUMENTING: Working drawings are developed, along with specification packages for fixtures and finishes.
- PROCURING: Proposals for interior furnishings and decor are signed by the client, and orders are placed for any items procured by the designer.
- IMPLEMENTING: The designer works closely with the contractor through the construction process, and will problem-solve as needed.
- INSTALLATION: Interior furnishings, art work and accessories complete the final touches.